Sunday, January 22, 2012

x suke :(

adakah BANKING ni 1 kos yg amat susah??
law x susa knpe ax xleh buat??
kenapa ax tgk mmbr2 ax pon cam "susa" nk buat kerja yg lecture bg??
atau MAYBE kami belum BETUL BETUL berusaha..
ax akan cuba sedaya upaya ax tok BANKING ni sbb abah ax nah tnye dkt ax
"BANKING ni susa x??" n ax leh jawab susa sngt...
mse tu abah ax dh macam risau je takot ax gagal smbung sem 2..
tp ax harap ax bole hepikan blik perasaan abah ax :)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

nothing at all..

UITM LENDU MELAKA bagi aku seminggu cuti...*cam aku sowang je dapat cuti..haha
pertama sekali aku akan tidur sepuas2 nye sampai lebam..haha

lepas aku dah jemu untuk tidur, akan akan makan tak henti2..

haha...lepas dah "obesiti"...aku akan tengok tb 24 hours..haha hebat x???

sambil tu aku akan main mesej...

haha tu yang selalu mia_teddy buat setiap cuti...
*sje nak kongsi...pada sesiapa yg xnk taw...jgn la amek taw k :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

best day in jj bukit tinggi :)

hyep..haha arini(27/10) best angt sbb dpt kuar g jj bkit tinggi..g best ble dapat kuar ngan bff..haha..
malas nk bnyak cter..tgk jela pic ni..

haha yg pling best......
yg ni..haha

haha terbaik la sbb ad pic ngan dy..hehe
rndu saat ni.. <3 <3 <3
harap ley kuar g an an..hehe :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011


kwang ingt x kek ni??huhu sedap kot..haha
huhu.. miss u all so much..hehe
Seems like everybodys got a price,
I wonder how they sleep at night.
When the sale comes first,
And the truth comes second,
Just stop, for a minute and

Why is everybody so serious!
Acting so damn mysterious
You got your shades on your eyes
And your heels so high
That you can't even have a good


Everybody look to their left (yeah)
Everybody look to their right (ha)
Can you feel that (yeah)
We're paying with love tonight...


It's not about the money, money, money
We don't need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the Price Tag.

Ain't about the (ha) Cha-Ching Cha-Ching.
Aint about the (yeah) Ba-Bling Ba-Bling
Wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the Price Tag.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

saja suka2..

fuhh hye kwn2..*gye gedik..haha... pejam celik pejam celik dh hbs dh ax blaja tok pra dip ni..mcm kejap je ax lalui spnjng menjadi budak pre com ni an..haha n klu nk taw ax dh mula rndu kn mmbr2 pre com ax..huhu *tp bkn sume..haha ehem2...
shera <3

nurul <3
atie <3
kak dalia n ema <3
siti <3
acha <3

n bnyak lg *pnt nk upload dh...
ehem2..pas abs je paper,sume nk blik uma an ax hbs je paper,ax g lepak umah mmber ax iaitu kak dalia ishak..hehe..ber hari2 gak r ax duk umah dy..sian dy..hehe..hmmm tp xpe kot sbb pasni dh x jmpe dwang..huhu sumpah sdih best sbb dpt jmpe sayang ax..mohd nazrin bin ahmad moxni..haha...sayang awak sngt2..hehe..